Count back the days in my Countdown Clock to any day

countdown clock, countdown to your sale of wedding day, countdown timer, wordpress plugin

Functional, Intuitive Web Design & Development

Devgirl Countdown Clock

7 Jan 2023, Sat | Written by: dev girl

This is a simple Countdown Clock WordPress plugin that counts down to a time and day of your choosing that you can display anywhere on your WordPress website.


It can be used for counting down to an event, a special day such as a wedding, or a sales drop day.


The plugin at present is on it’s 2nd version. You have options, within the shortcode parameters, to do basic styling : you are able to choose from set styles and also change the colour of the background squares to any valid CSS background property, and the text colour.


Licence and Donations

This plugin is currently under a general licence and is free to use. If you would to contribute to my work on this plguin, please visit the Plugin Donations page.